Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Southwestern Quilt

My mother-in-law asked me if I would put together a Southwestern Quilt for her.
I was happy to do this. The assembly is easy.
I wanted to share one thing I learned the hard way. Since the pattern came with the understanding that an experienced quilter would be sewing it together there were no step by step sewing/assembly instructions.
The only problem I had initially was with the triangle strip on the ends...those black and gray alternating triangles.
What I needed to do was assemble the triangles like above, with a 1/4 inch margin for the seam. I wanted the points of each triangle looking sharp and perfect.

Notice the way the gray and black triangles are laid out. Look at the top edge of the fabrics.
On each end there is a tiny little triangle sticking out that extends beyond the edge of the opposite fabric.

In the picture above, the fabrics line up edge to edge...
If you do it like this you will have no seam allowance left and there will be no point to your triangles.

So, if you plan a nice strip of triangles make sure to save yourself some frustration and assemble them the right way the first time.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Decided It's Time To Sell

I have decide to enter the market and try and sell some of my quilted goods. I am on a market place that sells handmade or vintage goods, Etsy. The link is to the right. Feel free to take a look.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New projects I'm working on. Thanks for the Gift Certificate...I bought this fabric with it.

I have to admit I hate following someone Else's instructions when I make quilts.
I want to express myself as I create something.
So here's the latest I've been working on.
Random squares...it's not as easy as you may think.
Even after laying them out and re-arranging to where I thought I liked it...
now that the top is completed and a photo taken I should have done a few things differently.
See the last photo on this post.
If you want to do this I suggest having the fabrics pretty close to the sewing machine and using numbers to label each row. I pin one label onto the first square in each row and one onto the table to remind me which order the rows go. It saves time from only taking one small portion at a time and sewing, pressing and returning it to the table.
I am now in the process of random triangles.
This one is more of a challenge than the squares, but I feel it will be so worth it.

These two quilt tops are done.
I see now that in the random squares I should not have let any of the dark fabrics touch the border. If I had contained them inside the lighter colors it would have been better.
Pictures are such an eye opener!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Kelly's finished quilt

OK...I am finally done.
I must say that I am relieved to have this very large project finished!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Carolyn's Finished Quilt

Carolyn has finished her quilt...Well done Carolyn!
The colors you chose work well together. Your son should treasure this gift.
You did 2 tumbling blocks...I am impressed.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Kristen's Quilt Tops

These are the first pics to come in to me of any one's work...
Kristen did a great job and is planning on getting these finished in the States over the break.
This is a great example of how the "setting of the blocks" can make the quilt look so different!
She has used mostly the same fabrics and tones in both quilts but mixing up the sashing and borders made them so individual for the people she is giving them to.
I look forward to seeing any of your work.
Many of you have expressed that you decided you did not like your fabrics after a while.
If that is the case please send me pics of the blocks you did make, or what you have done.
You can make wall hangings, lap quilts, small baby quilts, or pillow covers out of the blocks you did finish if you don't plan to finish more because you don't like the fabrics.
Tanya, I would love to get pics of that baby quilt and table runner you did.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


The quilt is up on frames and will take many weeks to finish.
At the rate I am going it won't be done by Christmas but it makes a nice addition to the Holiday decorations in my basement.
I am nearing the center of this queen size Christmas sampler.
Take your time when quilting and enjoy the process. If you hurry this you won't be happy with the finished project when you spent so much time piecing the blocks and top together.
Remember to call with any questions.